The best option for workstations, to manage the valuable materials in your Library.

Ruby RFID Staff Station

Ruby HF RFID Workstation

The RUBY HF staff workstation has been designed to convert, program, and identify High-Frequency (HF) tags for books, magazines, and other materials within Information Centers.
It is an efficient and fast tool for writing or reading High-Frequency (HF) tags and configuring them with EAS or AFI protocols depending on your needs.

CODE: 92600108
International Certifications:
ISO 15.693 / 18.000-3.1 / ISO 28560

Features and Performance


  • Easy to install
  • Standard USB power cable
  • Input and Output of materials establishing EAS or AFI protocols

Optional: The RUBYMR HF staff workstation is distributed in white color. We have over 100 different colors and designs available upon request.

Dimensions and Materials

Height: 35 mm
Width: 340 mm
Depth: 240 mm
Weight: 3 kg
Box: Stainless steel
Surface: CorianMR
Powered by USB


  • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
  • Software: Dialoc Tools
  • Protection: EAS or AFI
  • Compatibility: USB interface to communicate with Library Management Systems
  • Input and output of materials: Books, magazines, and audiovisuals
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